Spray Coating
Spray Coating Tartan Floor Coating System is an economical EPDM coating system used as a floor coating material in amateur competitions and in training, walking paths, and similar areas. The shock absorber feature is high. IAAF (International Association Athletics Federation) is a system standard.

Spray Coating

Spray Coating General Features
Raw Material
Color Options
production by demand
Usage Areas
Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball
Spray Coating Tartan Floor Coating System is an economical EPDM coating system used as a floor coating material in amateur competitions and training, walking paths and similar areas. Shock absorber feature is high. IAAF (International Assocation Athletics Federation) is a system standard. Shock absorbing backsheet; SBR and Refkim PU material mixture is applied by asphalting machine. Topcoat EPDM coating; EPDM granules with a thickness of 0.5-1.5 mm are applied to the floor by spray machine by mixing Refkim PU colored binder. This system is an economical solution with a textured finish. Impact absorbing sub- layer ; SBR and Refkim PU material mixture is applied by asphalting machine .
Last floor EPDM coatings ; 0.5 to 1.5 mm thick EPDM granules , Refkim PI colored binder mixing spray machine with ground applied . This system is an economical solution with a textured finish.